The Girl in the Blue Dress

This girl in the blue dress is so special for me. She inspired the first Chapter in my new publication, From Grief To Grace. There have been many life choices I made because of her and for her future life which I am now living. She will be a big part of my journey moving forward, this is definitely not the last of the girl in the blue dress...

What little girl doesn’t love ruffles? Just like each person’s innate differences, ruffles come in all shapes and sizes, as well as most every demographic of life. Ruffles hug every little girl no matter where she comes from. The hugs can be rough and scratchy, but you can always count on them! I’ve seen ruffles in the mud, ruffles with heels, ruffles with high-top Converses, ruffles with a soccer ball, ruffles with a baby doll, ruffles gracing crossed ankles, ruffles that have been ripped from chasing boys, ruffles caressing wildflowers, ruffles causing tears from their incessant itching . . . and my favorite, ruffles twirling in the wind!

I learned a long time ago that with a little faith, kindness, and courage, fairy tales can most certainly become a reality. We can all experience a fairy tale if we are willing to endure the hardship that is attached to real life. It’s all about your reactions and what you choose to do with whatever circumstances life has given you. Believe you can have more—then go out and find it!

Life, just like the fancy twirling dresses, has layers and we sometimes have to dig through and stay in one layer a little longer than we might desire. That’s okay, sweet girl, you aren’t alone. Just fluff the lace and power through the itching, it won’t always be this way. Sometimes you just have to scratch your way to the surface.

You know, it was almost as if my inner voice was, reminding me to be a little girl and use these moments with my ruffles as a distraction from the chaos unfolding in the background. It was a still small whisper deep down in my spirit saying: Spin around as many times as you can. Enjoy those golden locks bouncing off your cheeks. Layer as many slips—handmade by Nana—as possible under that bold blue dress to add to the fun. Don’t look back, focus on the butterflies in your stomach as you twirl . . . not the smell of alcohol in the air or the yelling in the background. Hum once more as you

spin your stuffed animals with you . . . and picture a field of daisies all around. Just spin, sweet girl, just keep spinning.

You see, I never truly appreciated the power of choice or really understood that I was choosing which memories to hold tight. God knew! He knew exactly what I would need in my treasure box of memories to help me through the hard days, the trying days, the days we didn’t even expect were coming. My visions of twirling laughter would soon be muddled with tears and a home with only one responsible parent. I didn’t even know such a thing existed.

To all the girls out there who ever wore a confidence boosting, twirling dress... Don't assume you worth based on someone else's ignorance, ever! You are worth fighting for and if there is no one around you to fight, warrior up and fight for your future self. With God, we are all stronger than the circumstances life may bring. Just take a deep breath, raise your hands to the sky and look up for that is where your help lies.... Spin, just spin and laugh as He renews your strength.


I am the girl in the blue dress and my battle scars are proof that twirling with the winds of change can bring a beautiful canvas through the chaos.

Denisha Karme