Denisha Karmé

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Running In Circles

Do you ever feel like you’re not really living but just existing?

I sometimes feel like I’m living the same day over and over. My body feels numb and unproductive at times as it wrestles with a new norm. My spirit is screaming, yet no one is aware that mentally and emotionally my feelings of failure are defeating my purpose. Satan takes this opportunity to whisper validations of our worst fears during those mundane moments.

You are a failure. Why don’t you just stop trying? Everyone else is better off without you. They don’t need you. Things would be so much easier if you would just give up. There are better opportunities over there. You would be valued somewhere else.

Those negative thoughts are toxic and we have to eliminate them before they take us out.

  • Do you know what I’m talking about?

  • Have you ever been there?

  • Maybe, you are there right now?

If you are anything like me, you just want to be heard, valued and loved. I want to be someones first choice. I want my opinion to matter. However, over time I have come to know that it doesn’t always work out that way. We must learn to take things with a grain of salt and be ok with everything not going our way and everyone not always agreeing with our views.

Just because someone doesn’t think like you or share your opinion doesn’t mean they are against you!

When we stop running in circles and start running toward Christ, something beautiful is revealed. Life begins to bloom. Vision becomes clear. The purpose is to please Christ. To work for His Kingdom and as long as we are doing that, He is pleased.

Perfection, growing a fan base, even being heard above the noise and feeling valued by those around you… Those things are not important in the grand scheme of things. We are fully known to the only one who can create lasting change in our life. We are fully capable in the ones eyes who created our very being.

We are enough in the eyes of Christ and that is why we must stop running in circles are start running the race… Moving forward…. Pressing onward….. That is the very path where we will become who we are destined to be. This is where we stop existing and start living.

xo -DenishaKarmè