Rewrite Your Story

You don’t have to go backwards!

Have you ever had times of great progress and favor with God just to get knocked down? The enemy seems to be lurking around every corner just waiting on you so he can destroy your dreams, your goals & your calling. Nothing you do is ever right. Failure seems to be your final destination!

Have you been there? I have... a few times!

We have to remember that just because life isn’t happening the way we pictured it, doesn’t mean it can’t happen. Giving up when life gets tough is not an option. That's exactly how the enemy defeats you. Stop trying to fix what God is telling you to let break. Don’t give up just because you have to step back.

I have a bad habit of just saying "never mind, it was a bad idea" when a few steps in my plan have to be tweaked. The idea doesn't have to be thrown out just because your steps need to change. Maybe the plans you were making didn’t leave room for God? Maybe you are limiting yourself by creating selfish goals instead of God centered goals?

I have found that the process or the time of getting to where I’m going is typically the hardest. The beginning is good and the end is good but the middle... well, that’s an entirely different story. The way my husband and I do things is not the same. I move slower than him and much less than him but we arrive at the same destination. Sometimes, his process adds things that I would leave out and those things enhance the outcome. We may both arrive but we will enjoy more blessings following his road map. Have a determination so fierce that your process cannot compete with your purpose!

This is how our plans work when we follow the voice of the Lord!

You have the power to change your story! Did you know that?

You have the power to change your circumstance! Don’t give up. Don’t go back! Take time to let God speak into your spirit and follow His voice to your destiny. I made up my mind a long time ago that I would not go back to the life I used to have. I was meant for more and I was determined to have it.

Just like anyone else, I have bad days. I have moments of doubt and yes, even a bad attitude. However, I understand that I have easy access to my happiness through Jesus Christ. He sustains me when nothing else can. The love I have for my husband is unbreakable, on his worst days I can’t stop loving him. There is something about his dark curls, perfect hugs and handsome smile that leave me feeling safe and secure. Our love is strong yet still, I long for my savior who can take me higher into a dimension free of worry and pain.

Happiness is a choice that we can make every day. All it takes is honesty with yourself and those around you. We can’t control everything but we do have the power to control ourself. We have the power to overcome the negative voices that try and control our behavior. We have the power to control our reaction to uneducated opinions.

Right now, in this moment. You have the power to change your outcome. The power to rewrite your story lies in your hands. Change the narrative and become the brave warrior who despite all odds conquered the battle meant to destroy her. Move forward without allowing someone else's opinion of who you used to be distract you from your purpose in God.

That my friend is how you live fully in your dreams!

Everyone is watching you to see how your story will unfold. Show the world that you are strong enough to walk in grace even if you are walking alone! Simply put God first and walk the road He has laid before you. Trust that He knows the desires of your heart and with Him as your guide you won't be lead astray.

This is your moment. What are you going to do with it?

Love BIG,


Denisha Karme